
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TransferOutDocument
Physical Name : DO_TSFT

A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT prepared by the originating store listing the items it is sending to the receiving store.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
InventoryControlDocumentID (FK)(PK) The reference number that uniquely identifies the InventoryControlDocument. ID_ICD Identity integer
FreightBillID (FK) The carrier-assigned shipping document number ID_BL_FRGT Identity integer FreightBill(DO_BL_FRGT)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
FreightBill may be referenced by TransferOutDocument
InventoryControlDocument can be a TransferOutDocument

Logical Views containing TransferOutDocument

Logical View
Logical 02100 - Item Inventory - Macro View